Section 11.0 of the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan addresses 'Developer contributions'.
Appendix D of the Plan addresses Community Infrastructure Levy projects and proposes General and Area-specific projects for the use of funds.
Neighbourhood CIL and other applications
Westminster City Council's Cabinet CIL Committee on 9 October 2019 approved in principle the provisional allocation of funding for the Restoration of the Hole-in-the-Wall' project.
Paragraph 5.5.17
Restoration of the ‘Hole-in-the-Wall’, Knightsbridge. This project will restore the ‘hole-in-the-wall’, a public thoroughfare and historic feature in Knightsbridge between Rutland Mews East and Rutland Street, and will improve lighting facilities there. This project has been brought forward by the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum (see Section 7.3.6 of this report) and the forum propose to match-fund the project using the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood CIL. The project contributes to the City for All priorities ‘healthier and greener city’ and ‘city that celebrates its communities’, as well as the City Plan’s theme of ‘healthier and greener city’ and the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan’s principles and policies. A CIL allocation of £0.020m is sought from the Other Priorities/ Contingency portion to enable the project to proceed.
Paragraph 7.3.7
Restoration of the ‘Hole-in-the-wall’, Knightsbridge. This application was made by the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum and seeks a neighbourhood CIL allocation of up to £0.030m. As detailed in Section 5.5.17 of this report, this project will restore the ‘hole-in-the-wall’, a public thoroughfare and historic feature in Knightsbridge between Rutland Mews East and Rutland Street, and will improve lighting facilities there. The project contributes to the City for All priorities ‘healthier and greener city’ and ‘city that celebrates its communities’, as well as the City Plan’s theme of ‘healthier and greener city’ and the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan’s principles and policies. Local councillors Robathan, Devenish and Hitchcock have confirmed their support for this project, which is also supported by the Knightsbridge Association. Officers recommend that this project is allocated £0.020m of neighbourhood CIL, to match the amount proposed from Westminster’s strategic CIL towards a total project cost of £0.040m.
Westminster will now appoint a Project Officer to oversee the project.
Other CIL resources:
Other planning conditions may cover affordable housing, air quality or a carbon-offset fund.
Page updated 17 February 2019