Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum (the Forum) submitted the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) to Westminster City Council (Westminster) on 22 November 2017 for consultation.
Westminster is inviting representations on the submission version of the Plan from 20 December 2017 to 5.00pm on Wednesday 14 February 2018*. Details, including how to make representations, can be found here:
Westminster's Regulation 16 Consultation
The Plan includes policies on a range of matters including character, heritage, community uses, retail, offices, housing, cultural uses, transport and the environment.
Submission (Regulation 16) Consultation documents include:
- Part One: Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan
- Part Two: Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan
- Part Three: Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan
- Basic Conditions Statement
- Consultation Statement
- HRA Screening Report
- SEA Screening Report
- Sustainability Report
Summary, contents, list of policies and map (Regulation 16 stage)
Guidance note by WCC (Regulation 16 stage)
Letter to Forum Members re Regulation 16 consultation
Leaflet re Regulation 16 consultation
If adopted after the Planning Examination and Referendum, the Plan will become part of Westminster's statutory development plan and will be used alongside the Council's own planning documents and the Mayor's London Plan in determining planning applications in the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area.
* The consultation period was extended by two weeks to allow for the Christmas and New Year holidays.
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