Blog posts

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Annual General Meeting 2024

Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum's (KNF's) ninth Annual General Meeting is held at Kent House Knightsbridge, Rutland Gardens, London SW7 1BX at 6.00pm sharp on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

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Annual General Meeting 2023

Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum's (KNF's) Eighth Annual General Meeting is held at Kent House Knightsbridge, Rutland Gardens, London SW7 1BX at 6.00pm sharp on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

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Annual General Meeting 2022

Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum's (KNF's) Seventh Annual General Meeting is held virtually at 6.00pm sharp on Wednesday 22 June 2022.

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Annual General Meeting 2021

Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum's (KNF's) Sixth Annual General Meeting is held virtually at 6.00pm sharp on Thursday 24 June 2021.

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KNF supports Brompton Road BID

The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum wrote to Hugh Seaborn, Chief Executive of Cadogan Estates, in a letter dated 23 June 2021 to confirm its support in principle for the Brompton Road BID.

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Annual General Meeting 2020

Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum's (KNF's) Fifth Annual General Meeting is held virtually at 6.00pm sharp on Wednesday 24 June 2020.

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'Hole in the Wall' to close for three days

Works to restore and improve the 'Hole in the Wall' in Knightsbridge are expected to involve the full closure of the 'Hole' itself from Tuesday 12 May to Thursday 14 May 2020 inclusive while the arch is removed carefully, worked on and rebuilt.