Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

An overwhelming majority (93.3%) voted for the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan (the 'Plan') at the Referendum held on Thursday 18 October 2018 at Kent House Knightsbridge (on turnout of 19.2%). The Plan was 'made' by Westminster City Council on 11 December 2018.

The Plan is therefore now part of the statutory development plan for Westminster and will be used alongside the council’s own planning documents and the Mayor’s London Plan in determining planning applications in the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area (the 'Area’).  The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum (the 'Forum') was the first of 17 neighbourhood forums in Westminster to reach this stage.

Supporting documents provide context for the policies in the Plan and set out actions the Forum wishes to pursue over the Plan period. These include the Knightsbridge Evidence Base Document (2024) (published 9 February 2024)*, Knightsbridge Management Plan, priorities for the use of CIL monies and best practice guidance on community engagement, construction standards and procedures and Tree Management Plans.  The Forum intends also to publish 'Knowledge notes', from time to time, to share its experience and encourage other forums to progress their neighbourhood plans to a successful conclusion.

A ‘Five-year review’ of the impact of the Plan’s policies was published on 28 September 2024.  In the Forum’s opinion, it shows that the policies have successfully influenced planning outcomes in the Area (whether supporting planning permissions or refusals) in the five years since the Plan was made.  This has been the case particularly with 'significant' planning applications where the KNF has focused its resources.

*Knightsbridge Evidence Base Document (2018) (published December 2018)

Hot topics

Ongoing priorities

The Forum wants to 'bring its plan to life' by:

  1. seeking positive outcomes on actions in the Knightsbridge Management Plan;
  2. commenting selectively on significant planning applications or consultations relating to the Area e.g. proposals to develop the Hyde Park Barracks land;
  3. commenting on emerging planning policies that could affect the Area;
  4. seeking to ensure that CIL and other planning obligation monies are utilised fully in line with the Neighbourhood Plan;
  5. monitoring the application of the policies to ensure they have been applied consistently and interpreted correctly in response to planning applications;
  6. reporting annually or biennially on outcomes;
  7. reviewing the policies and updating the Plan from time to time; and
  8. applying to Westminster City Council to renew its designation in June 2025.

These roles were set out in the Plan supported at Referendum.

What's in the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan?

The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan (Plan) should:

  • support retention of the Hyde Park Barracks and frame any redevelopment there;
  • encourage retail shops and manage cafés;
  • improve public spaces and restore heritage features;
  • mitigate the impacts of construction activity;
  • encourage major development to address genuine housing needs;
  • reduce air pollution from traffic and buildings;
  • maximise the landscape and amenity benefits of trees; and
  • ensure that at least 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy is spent locally e.g. on measures contributing to a clean, safe and quiet neighbourhood.

Read the full Plan or a summary of it.

Coronavirus COVID-19 matters

*Always call 999 in an emergency*

Latest NHS advice:

Eight tips for the community include:

  1. Check the latest health and general advice.
  2. Know do's and don'ts for under/over 70's, the vulnerable, self-isolating, illness and emergencies.
  3. Establish street and building networks so under-70's can support over-70s and vulnerable people that they know best.
  4. What do you need at home if you're locked down for 14 days?
  5. Support local shops, businesses and institutions, where you can.
  6. Check availability of local services and transport.
  7. Update emergency contact lists.
  8. Know where to find more.

Useful links and resources:

Coronavirus links and resources

Become a member

Membership of the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum (Forum) is open to people who demonstrably live, work or study in the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area and local councillors in each case who support the purpose of the Forum and complete an online membership form.  Further details about the membership process are defined in our Constitution and the Localism Act 2011.

Find out more